The Anthropologist Reviews: 'A Hunger Like No Other' by Kresley Cole

Some might say that faithful devotees of the Loinfire Club are connoisseurs of pain. Truly awful writing can cause several different kinds of pain in readers: pain both acute (screaming "GAH!" and flinging the book across the room) and chronic (lying on the floor and groaning as though you've eaten too much bad ham- Chapter 1 of 'The Darkest Kiss' seems to bring out this response in people). Lord Sin's minions expect a certain number of unpleasant symptoms from a new book: in 'A Hunger Like No Other's case, we were stocking up on aspirin in anticipation of a particularly headache-inducing case of Fantasy Eugenics*. However, as it turned out, we didn't especially care about the stupidity of the book's magic system, nor the author's lack of knowledge of realworld geography, nor the irritating attempts to sound 'hip' and 'cutting edge' in a way which will no doubt look hopelessly dated within a few years from now**.

These all paled in comparison to our horrified reaction to Lachlain, the book's hero. Again, the horror came not from the fact that he is a Scottish werewolf billionaire, nor from the fact that he believes the best way to keep a wife happy is to constantly buy her things (one new piece of priceless antique jewelery every day, apparently). It's the fact that he is a persistent liar, a kidnapper, a domestic abuser, and a rapist. I've been pained by the actions of many a stupid hero in the past, but I can categorically state that Lachlain is the first romance novel protagonist who ever made me feel physically ill. By the end of Chapter 3 I was shaking with rage and too sick to my stomach to eat any of the Chronicler's delicious Japanese curry. If Kresley Cole was trying to write the next 'Silence of the Lambs', this would be a compliment. However, as the Chronicler has noted, the book is being marketed as 'romance' and the heroine allegedly ends up blissfully in love with this man, so I can only assume that this wasn't the intended response.

'Rapist' is a word that gets thrown around quite a lot in response to the highly dubious sex scenes in many of the Loinfire Club's books. So, in the interest of clarity, let me state that under British law, Lachlain is not a rapist. Technically speaking, it looks like he's just guilty of somewhere between three and six counts of sexual assault (plus at least one count of abduction with intent to commit a serious sex offence). I'm not a lawyer (nor do I play one on TV), but looking at the June 2000 British Home Office report:

"we recommend that these offences should be redefined in the following way:

  • that rape be redefined to include penetration of the mouth, anus or female genitalia by a penis;
  • a new offence of sexual assault by penetration to deal with all other forms of sexual penetration of the anus and genitalia;
  • rape and sexual assault by penetration should be seen as equally serious, and both should carry a maximum penalty of life imprisonment;
  • a new offence of sexual assault to replace other nonpenetrative sexual touching now contained in the offence of indecent assault."


"Both rape and sexual assault by penetration are dependant on lack of consent, as rape is at present, but this concept is so important that we recommend: [that] consent should be defined as ‘free agreement’ [...] the definition of recklessness in sex offences should include the lack of any thought as to consent which can be described as ‘could not care less about consent'.

...The law should include a non-exhaustive list of examples of where consent is not present such as where a person:

  • submits or is unable to resist because of force or fear of force;
  • submits because of threats or fear of serious harm or serious detriment of any type to themselves or another person;
  • was asleep, unconscious, or too affected by alcohol or drugs to give free agreement;
  • did not understand the purpose of the act, whether because they lacked the capacity to understand, or were deceived as to the purpose of the act;
  • was mistaken or deceived as to the identity of the person or the nature of the act;
  • submits or is unable to resist because they are abducted or unlawfully detained;
  • has agreement given for them by a third party."

Amazingly, the last bullet point seems to be the only rule on consent which ISN'T broken by Lachlain at some point (and that's possibly purely because there's never a third party present who COULD have consented on her behalf). Having said this, the Chronicler is of the opinion that Fate is doing its best to consent on Emma's behalf throughout the book, due to the idiotic way that the 'lifemate' mechanism works. More on that later.

Her first sight of him is him charging across a tourist-filled square towards her, hurling tables out of the way as he screams at her. She runs away and thinks she's managed to escape, before "she felt claws sink into her ankle a second before she was dragged to the muddy ground and thrown onto her back" (p.9). He covers her mouth to keep her from screaming. Then when he's had a good look at her, he forcibly pins her down by her wrists and throat and kisses her while she begs him to stop ("N-no. Please. You have the wrong woman. Don't do this! Please!" -p.10). He then forcibly strips her with his claws (bear in mind, they're in a public park), before ordering her to take him to her hotel room (while she does her best to hold her shredded clothing together to cover herself).

He keeps a tight hold on her all the way to the hotel room, "dragging" her along with a "vise-like grip" (p.13). He only relaxes his guard for a moment, when he's dragging her across the road and almost gets hit by a car (he responds by punching the car "claws crumpling the metal like tinfoil, sending it skidding. When it finally stopped, the engine block dropped to the street with a thud. The driver threw open the door, dived for the street, then darted away" -p.12). When they get to the hotel, she notes that the room is ten floors up and completely soundproof, giving her no way to escape.

"He found the bathroom, yanked her inside, then tilted his head at the fixtures. “Clean yourself.”
“P-privacy?” she croaked. Amusement.
“You have none.” He leaned his shoulder against the wall and crossed his muscled arms, as if awaiting a show. “Now, undress for me and let me see what’s mine.”" (p.16)

She manages to lock the bathroom door while he's distracted by the need to steal food from a terrified room service clerk.

""He limped to the door to the bathing chamber and found it locked. He shook his head as he broke the knob easily, then entered a room so thick with steam he could hardly spy her balled up against the opposite wall. He lifted her up by her arms, scowling to find her still wet and dirty.
 “You’ve no’ cleaned yourself?”
When she only stared down at the ground, he demanded, “Why?”
She shrugged miserably." (p.19)

He takes off all his clothes and informs her that if she strips voluntarily, then he'll let her contact her family (although even as he says this, he's aware that it's a lie- "in fact, keeping her from her vampire kin would just be the beginning of his revenge." -p.20).

"When he loomed closer, she peeled the wet jacket and blouse away, then the shredded undergarment beneath them, hastily draping a thin arm over her breasts.
“Please. I-I don’t know who you think I am, but—”
“I think”—before she could blink, he’d ripped her skirt clean from her body and tossed it to the ground—“that I should at least know your name before I set to touchin’ you.”She shook harder if possible, her arm tightening over her breasts." (p.21)

Honestly, I don't think there's any way to summarise how revolting the rest of the scene is: I'll just have to quote as selectively as possible:

"“Put your foot there.” He motioned to the narrow bench along the shower’s back wall. And spread her thighs? “Um, I don’t—”He lifted her knee and placed it there himself. When she began to move it, he snapped, “Doona dare. Now, lean your head back against me.”" (p.24)

"His fingers inched lower. “Keep your legs open to me.”
She’d just been about to shove them together again. She’d never been touched there. Or anywhere else, for that matter.She’d never even held a man’s hand.Swallowing nervously, she watched as his hand trailed down to her sex. “B-but you said—”
“That I would no’ fuck you. Trust me, you’ll know when I’m about to.”" (p.25)
"Her eyes had been heavy-lidded with lust, but now they widened in panic again. “Y-you said you wouldn’t.”
“Changed my mind when I felt you wet and needing.”
She did want him—as she was supposed to. He frowned, uncomprehending when she struggled. Even in his weakened state, quelling her fight took little more effort than holding a wildcat. He pressed her against the wall, pinning her there [...] She’d gone tight again. If he tried to fuck her like this, he’d tear her—but he didn’t care." (p.26)

"Need to be inside her. Haze. She would make him wait longer for the mindlessness he craved? Torturing me just as her kindred did. He bellowed with rage, his hands shooting out on each side of her head to crush the marble behind her.Her eyes went stark once more. [...] He wanted her willing. But he’d take what fate had given.
“I’m going tae be inside you tonight. Best relax.” She gazed up at him with her brows drawn as though with despair.

“You said you wouldn’t hurt me. You p-promised.” Did the witch think that promise would be enough to save her? He gripped his cock, dragged her leg up to his hip…
“But you said,” she whispered, devastated that she’d believed him. She hated being lied to, especially since she could never lie back.
“You said….”" (p.27)

"He stilled. With a deep growl, he released her leg and hit the wall again. Her eyes widened when he grabbed her and turned her around. Right when she was about to scratch him, bite him, he pulled her into his arms again, her back against his chest. He shoved her hand to his erection, inhaling sharply at the first touch.
His voice gone guttural, he said, “Stroke me.”
Glad for the reprieve, she tentatively held him, in no way able to fit her palm around him. When she didn’t begin at once, he bucked his hips. She finally ran her hand over him in long strokes, looking away.
“Harder.” She tightened her fingers, face hot with embarrassment." (p.27-8)

"Taking a towel, he dried her completely. He even pinned her still—by hugging an arm around her waist—to run the cloth slowly between her legs. Her eyes grew wider as he continued to inspect her as if she were a prospective purchase. He palmed the curves of her bottom, then brought his hand down hard on each side, making sounds of…approval?He must have noticed her bewildered expression, because he said, “You doona like me learning you?”
“Of course not!”
“I’ll allow you to do the same.” He placed her palm flat on his chest, dragging it down, a challenging look in his eyes.
“I’ll pass,” she squeaked, jerking her hand back.Before she could even cry out, he swooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed, roughly tossing her there." [...] Enough!

“I—can—dress—myself,” she snapped.He yanked her around to face him, and his tone went deadly.
“Doona displease me, vampire. You canna imagine how many years of rage I’ve got pent up, ready to be tapped.”
She glanced past him, and her jaw slackened when she saw the distinct claw marks that had rent the bedside table.
He’s a madman.She helplessly raised her arms." (p.30)

So it's clear: he doesn't technically "rape" her, as far as British law is concerned (that is, he realises that she's so tight, presumably from panic, that he's likely to tear something if he puts his penis inside her- and, after a certain amount of thought, he decides that he doesn't want to injure her right this minute). So instead he settles for 'only' digitally penetrating her while she begs him to stop, then forcing her to give him a handjob. He gropes her a bit more, despite her clearly stating that she doesn't want him to. Then he throws her to the bed and forces her to dress in nightclothes that he's picked out for her. She makes another escape attempt. Just in case you wondered what kind of person he is, he "enjoyed letting her think she was about to succeed before he dragged her back and tucked her into his side. She went limp, then passed out. He didn’t know if she’d fainted or not. Didn’t particularly care." (p.34)

He then forces her to fall asleep next to him (which she does, because vampires don't seem to have any choice over whether they fall asleep after sunrise- they're effectively in a coma during daylight hours). While she's asleep, he takes the opportunity to steal her credit card and go shopping for designer clothes, "though he continually found his thoughts returning to his new prize" (p.39). There is some difficulty due to the fact that the stolen card belongs to a 'Ms Troy'...

"Initially, there had been some hesitation on the man’s part. He’d asked if “Mr. Troy” could provide any identification whatsoever.
Lachlain had inched forward in his seat, staring him down for long moments, his expression balanced between anger at the question and embarrassment for the man for asking. “No.’’ The answer was casually threatening, succinct, subject-ending.
The man had jumped at the word as he might at an unexpected gun report. Then he’d swallowed and hesitated no more, even at the most bizarre demands." (p.39)

Lachlain's purchases include clothes for himself and for Emma (when dressing her, he specifically chooses very revealing underwear but very conservative overclothes, because he doesn't want other men looking at his property). He also rents them a Mercedes. Presumably he's going on the basis that she was renting a very expensive hotel room; we eventually learn that he's managed to rack up a six-figure credit card bill (see p.346).

When he comes back, she's still unconscious, so he passes the time by going down on her while she's incapable of resisting (which is also explicitly a type of sexual assault under British law- he's penetrating her with his tongue while she is "asleep, unconscious, or too affected by alcohol or drugs to give free agreement". She wakes up at sunset, realises what's going on, and manages to kick him hard enough to get him off her. His response?

"A red haze covered his sight and confused his mind. He roared as he charged her, throwing her to the bed and pinning her down. He freed his trews and gripped himself, about to shove into her, crazed with his rage and lust..." (p.42)

Yes, how dare the stupid bitch reject him like that? No wonder the man is angry!

"Maybe fucking her regularly, taking his pain out on her, was what he was supposed to do. Of course. He felt himself calming at the thought. Yes, he’d been given a vampire solely for his pleasure, for his revenge." (p.43)

As it happens, she manages to narrowly escape being brutally raped, by using her magic powers to scream loud enough to shatter glass and nearly burst his eardrums. This distracts him for just long enough for her to attempt suicide.

Yes, you heard that right. The first encounter with the hero of this ROMANCE NOVEL is so traumatic that the heroine literally wants to kill herself (by jumping off a tenth-floor balcony).

"She whispered, “Why are you doing this to me?”Because I’ve wanted what’s mine. Because I need you and I hate you. 
“Come down now,” he ordered. She shook her head slowly.“You canna die from this. From sun, or losing your head, but no’ from a fall.” He made his tone casual, though he was uncertain. They were how many floors up? If she was weak…“And I’ll easily follow you down to bring you back here.” (p.44)

This guy should totally be a suicide counsellor. When it comes to reasons not to kill yourself, "because you'll only survive and be horribly injured and then I can easily hunt you down and rape you" is quite a compelling argument.

"She seemed to wake up, her brows drawing together, her eyes bleak. “I just want to go home,” she said in a small voice.
“You will. I vow you’ll go home.” To your new home. “Just help me get to mine.”
“If I help you, you swear you’ll release me?” 
Never. “Aye.”" (p.46)

So, having explicitly lied about eventually letting her go, he manages to convince her to get down from the balcony. The tense neardeath experience over, he decides this is an excellent time to threaten her with rape again:

"If she’d assumed he would give her privacy because he’d learned a lesson, she’d have been wrong. He walked right in and opened the shower stall door. She jumped, startled, fumbling not to drop the conditioner bottle before catching it on the pad of her forefinger.She saw his fists clench and open, and that finger went limp. The bottle thudded.One hit…
The image of the shredded bedside table flashed in her mind, then the memory of the car he’d batted like a crumpled piece of paper. Chunks of marble that hadn’t been pulverized still littered the shower floor. Fool. She’d been a fool to think he wouldn’t hurt her. Of all the things she should fear, she feared pain the most. And now a Lykae [werewolf] clenched his fists in anger. At her.She turned into the corner, giving him her side to try to shield her nudity. And because if he hit, she could sink down and draw her knees to her chest. But with some foreign curse, he stalked off." (p.51)

"She turned into the corner, giving him her side to try to shield her nudity. And because if he hit, she could sink down and draw her knees to her chest." Ask yourself, does that sound more like something that belongs in a romance novel, or in a harrowing account of sexual abuse?

He follows this up by allowing her to make a phonecall to her family (who are sick with worry over the fact that she missed her plane after he kidnapped her. They haven't been able to reach her mobile since it was broken while he was violently assaulting her). Obviously he secretly listens in on the phoneline to make sure she doesn't try to tell them where she's being held.

Emma calls her Aunt Regin (who is the last of some undescribed race of flangebeasts called the Radiant Ones, and hunts down supernatural predators for fun). Regin informs Emma that she's in even bigger trouble than she suspected: not only is she being held prisoner by a violent sex offender, there is also evidence that she's being hunted down by a murderous and hideously-powerful vampire.

And then a very strange thing happens. Emma tells Regin that she is with a man. Regin immediately assumes that Emma, being half-vampire, has persuaded a man to allow her to drink his blood (which she's never done- she feeds only from blood banks).

“If not to drink him, then what would you want with a man? Huh?”
Her voice quavering with anger, Emma said, “What any woman wants! I’m no different from you—”
“You want to, like, sleep with him?”Why did she sound that disbelieving?
“Maybe I do!" (p.59)

"...[Emma] felt a glimmer of hope. She’d been aroused by Lachlain. She’d felt regular lust—not blood lust. And she’d been so close. Even tonight, she’d been to the edge with him. [...] "All right, you want to know? I think he’s…he’s wildly handsome!” With emphasis on wild. “He knows what I am and we’re leaving Paris together.”
“Great Freya, you’re serious. What’s he like?”
“He’s strong. Said he’d protect me.” Great kisser. Intermittently insane. With a broad chest she’d wanted to lick like ice cream.
 In a scoffing tone, Regin asked, “Strong enough to take down a vampire?”
“You have no idea.” (p.60)

“When are you leaving Paris?”
“Tonight. Right now, actually.”
“That’s good, at least. Tell me where you’re going.”
“So Annika can come drag me home by my ear?” And fight Lachlain to the death?
“Nope. Tell her I’ll be home week after next at the latest, and that if she tries to find me, I’ll know she doesn’t trust that I am more than capable of taking care of myself—”
Regin snorted, then laughed outright.
“I can take care of myself.” Her tone hurt, she asked, “Why is that funny?”
Shrieking laughter.
“Piss off, Regin! You know what? I’ll send you a postcard!” She slammed the phone down, then snatched up her boots. Stomping into the first one, she muttered angrily, “I will so go.” Another boot shoved on. “And I won’t be catching any Stockholm syndrome." (p.61)

In this context, references to Stockholm Syndrome seem less like a lighthearted quip and more like an entirely accurate psychiatric diagnosis. It's probably less than an hour since she woke up and found him assaulting her in her sleep. Since she had to bodily fight him off from RAPING her. Since she threatened suicide because that was her only chance of escape. Now she has a chance to call for help. OK, there's a good chance he's listening in, and he's clearly psychotic; so even if she tries to come up with some kind of codeword for "I've been kidnapped", he might work it out and be so angry that he rapes and/or murders her. Given his previous behaviour, that seems entirely possible. But just a short while ago she concluded that remaining his captive was literally a fate worse than death. What's changed since then? His behaviour? He broke into her bathroom again and then sulked when her only response was to desperately huddle in the corner, but I suppose that this might count as gentlemanly, relative to him forcing himself on her in the shower.

Just to drive the point home- remember that whole weird "it's not consent if the victim submits because of threats or fear of serious harm" thing that the British Home Office has got going on?

"I'll take you here on the grass on your hands and knees, till well after the sun rises." (p.12. Reader, remember that he knows full well that she's a vampire, and that if she's out in direct sunlight for more than a few seconds, she'll physically catch fire).
Kiss me back, witch, while I decide if I should spare your life. Kiss me like you want to live.
She did [kiss him]. Not because she wanted to live overmuch, but because she thought he would make sure her death was slow and torturing." (p.15)

"Looking at the door like that? I’ll catch you before you make it from this room."

"I doona have to grant you anything! I could just take you in here and then in the bed.” (p.21)

"You canna escape me. You only provoke my anger.” [...]
"I-I don’t want to anger you,” she said with a shaky breath. “I just want to go-” “Do you know how many vampires I’ve killed?” he murmured, either ignoring or not hearing her words."
“No,” she whispered. She wondered if he truly saw her.
“I’ve killed thousands. I hunted them for sport, stalking their lairs.” He ran the back of his dark claw across her neck. “And with one swipe of my claws I severed their heads—before they even woke.” His lips brushed over her neck where he’d trailed his claw, making her shudder. “I could kill you as easily as taking a breath.”
“Are you going to k-kill me?”He smoothed a strand of hair from her lip.
“I have no’ decided. I’ve never hesitated a second before you.” He was shaking from holding his position above her. “When I wake from this haze—when this madness clears, if I still believe you are what you are…who knows?”
“You would hurt me that way? [referring to rape]”
“Without a second thought.” His lips curled. His gaze seemed intent on her face, but his eyes were still vacant.
“And that’s just the beginning of the things I’ll do to you, vampire.”(p.33)


*Fantasy Eugenics is our current placeholder name for the fiction subgenre in which authors appear to be trying to deliberately cross-breed idiotic fantasy species with badly-defined superpowers, thus giving rise to generations of hideous and over-powered offspring. In AHLNO, for example, the heroine has one vampire parent and one valkyrie parent. The vampire side gives her the ability to teleport and mindread people by drinking their blood. The valkyrie side means that whenever she is feeling a strong sensation, her eyes go silver and lightning begins striking the surrounding area. The novel speculates (on p.264) that this must make it exceptionally difficult for valkyries to masturbate discreetly. She also has pointy ears: the book doesn't mention these as either a vampire OR a valkyrie trait, so perhaps they're just some kind of minor unrelated birth defect. In addition, she acquires the werewolf template as the result of drinking werewolf blood. This presumably means that the eventual offspring of Emma and Lachlain will be part-vampire, part-valkyrie, part-human, part-wolf-spirit, part-biscuit.

**Examples: loud and pointed references to leetspeak, iPods, Buffy and Crazy Frog ringtones.

The Loinfire Club reads... A Hunger Like No Other

A Hunger Like No Other, by Kresley Cole

The Chronicler remembers all the heated debate back on "Dear Author" over a romance trilogy that ended with vampire hero's death at the hands of the heroine. A romance novel is defined by its happy ending and anything else would result in the readers feeling cheated. Jane wrote: "I kept thinking as Candace Steele engaged in various relationships with men other than Ash that - huh, this doesn’t sound like a romance but I will hang on. After all, the spine of the book says romance. Ballantine says this is a romance. It must be a romance right? I can live through the multiple partners and the separation so long as the hero and heroine end up together."

Well, let's put it this way:

When reading through A Hunger Like No Other, the Chronicler wondered about whether or not it was a romance novel. After all, it was sold as a romance. The quote on the front cover called it one. It even won a RITA, and those are really prestigious, the veritable Oscars of the romance novel world. The spine and the blurb certainly weren't calling the book anything else... Azrael came out and said it and I think he's right: "This book isn't a romance novel. It's just about rape. Seriously. It's crossed the line."

The Chronicler has no problem with people wanting to write about their rape fantasies (or any other, for that matter) as long as they is plenty of warning on the tin and preferably heavily flanked with caveats about how rape really isn't okay in the real world. More importantly, don't try to sell me that fantasy as a romance novel. I don't just feel cheated, I feel concerned about how no one else seems to have noticed this gaping flaw and allowed the book to win a RITA. I wonder if we were even reading the same book.

The Restitution was quite repulsive enough with its heroine waltzing off into her happily ever after with her rapist who never really apologises. It was all part of God's plan that she suffer through her rape to save that man's black, black soul and wasn't it worth it in the end? He could have raped her hundreds of times when he was holding her captive and he only raped her one, wasn't that nice of him?

But really, this pales in comparison. If only because The Restitution actually acknowledges that rape is quite a traumatic thing for a woman.

Now, admittedly, the Loinfire Club throws around the word "rape", quite a bit, and for that we know we're bad people. Often the situation described is more in the realms of dubious consent and sexual harassment, but Kresley Cole's A Hunger Like No Other really defies all expectations and previous experiences. This isn't a forced seduction or a punishing kiss... 

At the point where we put down the novel, several chapters into the book, the werewolf hero has broken free of his fiery prison under Paris, forced himself onto the heroine. He rips her blouse off in the middle of Paris. He then forces her to show him the way to her place and asks her to clean herself. When she refuses, he strips her naked, gropes her in the shower, fingers her and, deciding against ripping her open with his massive cock, relents and asks her to use her hands instead. He toys with her throughout the night, allowing her to think she's managing to escape but catching her the last minute with superhuman strength. He wakes her up by going down on her and then forces her to call her aunts and tell them she'll be away for a while. He listens in, worried that she might tell them to descend with their supernatural powers, but the good little heroine doesn't and they set off to Scotland.

Now, all this happens without werewolf hero asking for consent of any form or at least informing Emma that she's his soulmate and that fate has willed it they be together forever and ever. Emma alternates between being confused, aroused and scared. I am well aware that Mr-Rapist-hero has been imprisoned for a hundred and fifty years in a fiery hell and, presumably, chaste for every minute of it. I am also aware that he hates vampires and would be killing Emma if she didn't smell of true love... but none of this really seems to justify his actions even a little bit. The only way you could possibly believe frustration justifies rape is if you believe male lust is this overpowering, uncontrollable drive that strips they of rational thought, morality and human empathy. And I don't believe that. Seriously. 

I don't care that he's enraged about her being a vampire and that he's been tortured by vampires for centuries. That doesn't justify rape. That especially doesn't justify him thinking to himself that Fate is chaining Emma to him forevermore with the whole soulmate business so that he can take out his rage over being tortured on her. I don't care that he's attractive or that she's a bit aroused -attractiveness isn't a free pass and arousal is certainly not consent. I don't care that they're predestined mates, since funnily enough, rape can happen within marriages. I don't care that he doesn't quite bring himself to penetrate her vaginally; it's hardly any mercy on his part. I don't care that Socrates thinks there's a beast in the best of us. It's really, really no excuse. I don't care that he's surprisingly gentle, it's still no substitute for consent.

That we aren't give any cultural touchstone of any sort ("Werewolf chicks dig rape", "where I come from, this is how you say hi")  makes it even more difficult to see any reason to justify the rapist-hero's behaviour. It's not that cultural upbringing justifies this behaviour, but that the author seems to not feel it necessary, that the reader would simply sympathise with the lying, manipulative sex offender.

At no point in the first few chapters is the heroine in control of her situation. At no point was she consenting to all the sexual contact the hero inflicted on her. Really, this point is becoming laboured, so I'll move onto the whole abduction business. He takes over her life, steals her money and her credit card. He decides where they're going and what they're doing. He decides how she'll dress, what underwear she'll wear and watches as she changes. He listens in on her conversations, threatens her with rape, torture and death.... 

It is also baffling how baffled the heroine is. He told her repeatedly and without ambiguity that he intends to rape her. Maybe she's so sheltered she's never read the odd case of woman-kept-in-basement-and-repeatedly-raped-etc in the newspapers. Maybe its his Scottish accent obscuring his meaning.

Oh, and a real half-valkyrie would have castrated him by now.

(Rant out of system now. It may be a little while before the Chronicler manages to face Cole's again and post the full write-up...)

The Loinfire Club reads... The Darkest Kiss

The Darkest Kiss, by Gena Showalter

She has tempted many men… but never found her equal.
Until now.

Though she has lived for centuries, Anya, goddess of anarchy, has never known pleasure. Until Lucien, the incarnation of death—a warrior eternally doomed to take souls to the hereafter. He draws her like no other. And Anya will risk anything to have him.

But when the merciless Lord of the Underworld is ordered by the gods to claim Anya herself, their uncontrollable attraction becomes an anguished pursuit. Now they must defeat the unconquerable forces that control them, before their thirst for one another demands a sacrifice of love beyond imagining...

Preamble and Dedications

Cathed has been re-reading Cupid's Melody this morning, apparently.
The Anthropologist: "You have to remind yourself how bad these things are. Or else it'll be like grade inflation, but not. We'll forget how bad and wrong the old ones are and the judgment would be skewed... it's like Connie Mason's lactation fetish. It's weeks before I think of that these days."

This week (at the Anthropologist's urging) we are reading is Gena Showalter's The Darkest Kiss.

(The Anthropologist has recently found F.A.T.A.L. and if that becomes the theme of this week's meeting... well, the point is, there were many digressions about it and anything she says is merely a rehash of the horrors of the actual review. If you, dear reader, feel like poking your eyes out with a spork, this is a valid alternative.)

The Balance decides to start by reading the (unusually long) dedication...

To Kresley Cole. You would let me wear your skin if at all possible—and I won't mention what you’d let me do to your eyeballs...
Pillywiggin: "What?! Eyeballs?"

To Marjorie Liu. Because you spank on and there's nothing cooler!
The Anthropologist: "Mental image I didn't need!"
(The Chronicler notes that Majorie Liu is also a paranormal romance novel writer.)

To Jill Monroe. You are a sister of my heart— hearter? sisart?—and even though you stole my gnome, I can't imagine a life without you. For realsies.
The Anthropologist: "WHAT?!"
Pillywiggin: "I don't think book dedications is a good idea."
The Chronicler: "I don't think book dedications this length is a good idea."

Art director Kathleen Oudit and designer Juliana Kolesova—I owe you big-time! The lips on this cover…Shiver! And you didn't blink twice when I mentioned one brown eye and one blue eye.
The Anthropologist: "Because they don't expect that, romance novel cover artists, mismatched eyes."
(Also, the cover is really freaky. The more you stare at it, the more weird it seems. For a start, that man's arm is now forever fixed in that position as any movement will distort his butterfly tattoo. Secondly, his head is far, far too small for his torso and his pecks glow... the Anthropologist thinks he has a birth defect which means he looks as though his head is photo-shopped on.)

Cathed: "As they are."

Malach ha-Maet. Yama. Azreal....
Cathed (pointing): "He's Azrael! But he's Azrael!"
The Balance: "Different spelling. It's spelt Az-real."
Azrael: "That's okay, then."

Long ago he had opened dimOuniak, a powerful box made from the bones of a goddess...
Cathed: "As you do."

... unleashing a horde of demons upon the earth.
Pillywiggin: "You make it sound so casual."
Cathed: "Like trying to open a restaurant."
The Anthropologist: "And what, he couldn't hire any good waitresses because of they just kept falling in love with him?"
Pillywiggin: "He could always hire lesbians and old people."
The Anthropologist: "Around this man, lesbians aren't lesbians for long..."

As punishment, he and the warriors who aided him were forced to house those demons inside themselves, melding light and darkness, order and chaos...
Pillywiggin: "So, a mobile, sentient prison is better than a non-mobile, non-sentient one."
(The Balance: "Yes, the best way of preventing these demons from escaping is by putting them inside sentient prisons who don't want them to have them inside them.")

Because he was the one to open the box, he had been given the demon of Death. A fair exchange, he supposed, for his action had nearly caused the demise of the world...
Cathed: "God! If I'd known that I wouldn't have done it!"

Now he was charged with the responsibility of collecting human souls and escorting them to their final resting place. Even if he opposed the idea.
Azrael: "He opposes the idea of death in general?"

He did not like taking innocents from their families, found no joy in delivering the wicked to their damnation...
The Anthropologist: "Taking innocents from families... remember what that means normally in these books..."
Pillywiggin: "Death... Death of rats... Death of hymens..."
Azrael: "Skeleton with artfully lodged scythe."

Resistance, he’d soon learned, brought something far worse than death to his door. Resistance brought an agony so complete, so inexorable, even the gods trembled at the thought.
Cathed: "Oh dear."
The Chronicler: "Exactly why are the gods contemplating his punishment with anything other than glee?"

Did his obedience mean he was gentle? Caring? Nurturing? No. Oh, no. He could not afford softer emotion. Love, compassion and mercy were enemies to his plight.
Anger, though? Rage? Those he sometimes embraced.
Azrael: "Both anger and rage."

Woe to anyone who pushed him too far, for man would become fully demon. A beast. A sinister entity who would not hesitate to curl his fingers around a human heart and squeeze...
Loinfire Club laughs.
The Anthropologist (referring to the new Halloween toy): "We have to get the heart!"

Squeeze so tightly that human would lose his breath and beg for the sweet kiss of eternal sleep only he could offer...
The Loinfire Club each squeeze the "Throbbing Heart" in turn.

With that thought, the Prologue ends and the first chapter begins...

The Darkest Kiss, part two...

Chapter One...

ANYA, GODDESS OF ANARCHY, daughter of Lawlessness, and dealer of disorder,
Pillywiggin: "Tell, not show!"

All of the dancers were human females, beautiful and nearly naked, chosen specifically by the Lords of the Underworld to provide the night's entertainment. Both vertical and horizontal...
The Anthropologist: "If they're sitting down, it's not really vertical or horizontal... it's a sort of Z shape."

Wisps of smoke cast a dream-fog around them, and pinpricks of starlight rained from the swirling strobe...
The Anthropologist: "It's a Vampire From Twilight mooning everyone!"

From the corner of her eye, she caught a scintillating glimpse of a taut immortal ass...
The Anthropologist: "No ass should ever scintillate!"
Cathed: "Maybe that's why you'd want one... they're walking mirrorballs!"

The Lords of the Underworld were delectable immortal warriors who were possessed by the demon spirits that had once resided inside Pandora's box. 
Pillywiggin: "We know."

And now, with a few rounds of hard liquor and even harder sex, they were saying goodbye to Budapest, the city they'd called home for hundreds of years.
Cathed: "Budapest?! It's living in Stockton!"

Anya wanted in on the action. With one warrior in particular.
There are some debates over which one it is she sees.
Cathed: "Darkest and Most Seductive one, obviously."
The Anthropologist: "No, it can't be. She says 'each more dangerously seductive than the last' and this isn't the last book in the series..."

"Part," she whispered, fighting her intrinsic compulsion to shout "Fire" instead and watch as the humans raced away in a panic, screaming hysterically...
Pillywiggin: "What? Ah... I see. She's trying to get them to move."

Let the good times roll.
Pillywiggin: "Is that all she can come up with? How about shouting 'Smallpox'?"
The Chronicler: "What's holding her back from shouting 'Fire'?"

An erratic pulse of rock music that matched the erratic beat of her heart blasted from the speakers, making it impossible for anyone to hear her.
The Balance: "Medical complication..."
Cathed: "But she is a goddess of anarchy."
Pillywiggin: "I don't wanna pump blood! Shut up! Stop stressing on me! I want to hear my own music."

Heated breath caught in her lungs, and she shivered.
Pillywiggin: "Why is she shivering if she has something warm near her? Or is she that anarchic?"

Lucien. Deliciously scarred...
Pillywiggin: "Delicious... So he's scarred with licorrice?"
Azrael: "Or with the Cadbury's signature."
The Anthropologist: "It's like TT's fake blood. The people making the phys-reps ended up coming up with a concoction that tastes of chocolate..."

...irresistibly stoic and possessed by the spirit of Death.
The Anthropologist: "Back me up on this, Cathed. Didn't the stoics have a thing about celibacy? It doesn't seem to end well."
Cathed: "I really don't think stoic is that attractive."
Pillywiggin: "He has a face like the London Underground map!"

Right now he sat at a table in back, expression blank...
Cathed: "Wow. Hot."

"—she was right. I checked the satellite photos on Torin's computer. Those temples are rising from the sea."
Pillywiggin: "Get back in the sea where you belong!"

"One is in Greece and one is in Rome, and if they continue to rise at such a swift rate, they'll be high enough to explore sometime tomorrow."
Pillywiggin: "What? Out of the River Tiber? I didn't think there's that much space in it..."
The Balance: "It says the sea in the book..."
Pillywiggin: "But Rome doesn't have a sea."
Cathed, the classicist, affirms this. As does Wikipedia.

No one else would—or could—see them. She had made sure of that with a sweet little thing called chaos, her strongest source of power, hiding the temples with storms to keep humans away, while at the same time feeding the Lords enough information to draw them the hell out of Buda...
Cathed: "Buddah?!"
The Balance: "Budapest in short."
The Anthropologist: "I was thinking about trying to drag hell out of Buddah..."
Pillywiggin: "It's why he's so fat. He's got hell inside him."

"Perhaps the new gods are responsible. Most days I am sure they hate us and long to destroy us, simply for being half-demon."
The Balance: "I think that's a very good reason to hate them."

Lucien's expression remained blank. 
The Anthropologist: "Is he still being irresistibly stoic?  Man with hammer... does not matter..."

"If we're lucky, we'll find that damned box while we're there."
Azrael: "Damn that box! It killed my family!"

Anya ran her tongue over her teeth. Damned box, aka dimOuniak, aka Pandora's box.
Pillywiggin: "How many times have they explained the same box?!"
Cathed: "We get it."
The Anthropologist: "It's a book written for people with short time memory loss."

Boring? Ha! Anya had never met anyone who excited her more.
Cathed: "She is really, really excited by boring people."
The Anthropologist: "Has anyone read that book I wrote about accounting?"
Cathed swoons.
Azrael: "Is that some sort of dullness fetish?"
The Balance: "So the goddess of anarchy has a dullness fetish."
The Anthropologist: "That makes a certain amount of sense. Like that neat freak bureaucrat who wants to screw Fry..."

Cringe when they saw his scars, sure. But none of them wanted anything to do with him—and that saved their lives.
The Anthropologist: "Maybe they're allergic to liquorice."

"Notice me," Anya commanded softly. A moment passed. He didn't obey. Several humans glanced in her direction, heeding her demand, but Lucien's gaze latched on to the empty flask in front of him and remained, becoming a wee bit wistful. Much to her consternation, immortals were immune to her commands. [...]
"Bastards," she muttered. Any restrictions they could place on her, they did. "Anything to screw with lowly Anarchy."
Azrael: "She's the goddess of anarchy! You'd think her spells would summon a pineapple or something in front of him... That would totally attract his attention."

There are various theories about what boring and prosaic thoughts about the flasks is flashing through his mind:
Cathed: "Hmmm... maybe I spent too much on this at the flea market. Maybe I shouldn't have impulse-bought it... oh, but it wasn't really on impulse, but maybe it would be cheaper from a second hand shop...etcetcetc..."

Anya hadn’t been favored during her days on Mount Olympus.
The goddesses had never liked her because they assumed she was a replica of her "whore of a mother" and would jump their husbands.
Cathed: "Eris isn't a whore! She never got invited to any of the orgies!"
(At this point, we're under the impression that Anya's mother is a goddess of discord and we've assumed that she's a canonical goddess - thus Eris.)

The guys had wanted her, though. Well, until she'd killed their precious Captain of the Guard and they'd deemed her too feral [...]
The little shit had tried to rape her. If he had left her alone, she would have left him alone. But noooo.
The Balance: "It has four Os. And it's in italics."
Pillywiggin looks pained.
Cathed: "Noooo!"
Pillywiggin: "How many Os?"
Cathed: "Four."
The Anthropologist: "And in a strange font. A font of pain."

She didn't regret cutting the black heart out of his chest, didn't regret placing said heart on a pike in front of Aphrodite's temple. Not even a tiny bit.
(The Chronicler is wondering if this is meant to be a sacrifice to Aphrodite or otherwise...)

Choice. The word rang inside her mind, bringing her back to the present. What the hell would it take to convince Lucien to choose her?
Cathed: "She likes freedom of choice but she likes mindraping mortals?"
Pillywiggin: "Well, she is anarchy. She doesn't have to make sense."

She stomped her foot.
The Chronicler: "That's just pathetic."

For weeks she'd cloaked herself in invisibility, following Lucien, watching, studying...
The Chronicler: "And you're surprised he doesn't notice you?! You're invisible!"

Cathed (droning on): "Oh, maybe I should have checked on Ebay first..."
The Anthropologist: "Ebay might be a bit too exciting for this man... In fact, the internet is too interesting for this man."
Cathed: "Maybe I should check the stock market, just to see how it's doing."
The Balance: "No, the stock markets are fluctuating a bit too much. It would be too exciting."

And yes, lusting. He'd had no idea she lurked nearby, even as she willed him to do all sorts of naughty things: strip, pleasure himself…smile.
Cathed: "That would be spoiling the stoic façade... he could still strip stoically, though"
The Chronicler: "He's like St Benedict incarnate!"
Pillywiggin: "That man really hated laughing."

There is some speculation about high level stoics and their possible ability to be able to have sex without their expression changing. There is miming and giggling.

But she’d wanted to see his beautifully flawed face light in humor just as much as she’d wanted to see his naked body glisten with arousal.
Azrael: "He might be cheating and recently had botox."

Had he granted even that benign request, though? No!
Cathed: "And meanwhile, he's just sitting there counting the coasters..."

A part of her wished she'd never seen him, that she hadn't allowed Cronus, the new king of the gods, to intrigue her with stories about the Lords a few months ago. Maybe I'm the idiot...
The Anthropologist: "Why does it have to be a zero sum game? Maybe they're both idiots!"

Cronus had just escaped Tartarus, a prison for immortals and a place she knew intimately. He'd imprisoned Zeus and his cohorts there, as well as Anya's parents. When Anya returned for them, Cronus had been waiting for her. He had demanded Anya's greatest treasure. She'd declined—duh—so he'd tried to scare her. Give me what I want or I'll send the Lords of the Underworld after you. They are demon-possessed, as blood-hungry as starving animals, and they will not hesitate to peel the lovely flesh from your bones. Blah, blah, blah. Whatever.
Cathed: "So he threatened her... wait... the author actually wrote 'blah, blah, blah... oh'."

She'd ended up seeking out the warriors on her own. She'd thought to defeat them and laugh in Cronus’s face, a sort of look-what-I-did-to-your-big-scary-demons kind of thing.
Pillywiggin (rolling her eyes): "Fascinating."

One glance at Lucien, though, and she’d become instantly obsessed.
The Chronicler notes that that can't possibly be healthy.

She'd forgotten her reasons for being there...
The Chronicler: "That happens a lot with heroines..."

It was just that contradictions tantalized her, and Lucien had so very many. He was scarred but not broken, kind but unbending. 
Azrael: "Kindness and bendiness are not synonymous."
The Chronicler: "Neither is scarred and broken, for that mater."

He was a calm, by-the-book immortal, not blood-hungry as Cronus had claimed.
Pillywiggin: "Flangey, but dull."

He was possessed by an evil spirit, yet he never deviated from his own personal code of honor. He dealt with death every day, every night, yet he fought to live. 
The Anthropologist: "If you're immortal, you don't have to work very hard to stay alive."

As if that wasn't enough to prick her interest, his flowery fragrance filled her with decadent, wicked thoughts every time she neared him...
Azrael: "Wait, flowery fragrance?"
The Anthropologist: "Must be really inconvenient to find flowery fragrances irresistible. What if she gets sprayed with perfume in department store... an impromptu orgy?"
Azrael: "She must really freak out people in when walking in parks."

Why? Any other man who smelled like roses would have made her laugh. With Lucien, her mouth watered for a taste of him...
Cathed: "He's so hot in his grey socks."
(The Chronicler: "At least the author is acknowledging roses is a stupid scent for a man... but it's still stupid.")

her skin prickled with white-hot awareness...
The Balance: "Heat. Skin comment. And Medical Complication!"
Pillywiggin: "Three in one combo!"

Gods, he was sexy. He had the freakiest eyes she’d ever seen. 
Cathed: "Freaky good or freaky bad?"
Pillywiggin: "Like a Cyclops?"
The Anthropologist: "Freaky is not a good word either."

One was blue, the other brown, and both swirled with the essence of man and demon...
Cathed: "I've seen creepier eyes."
Pillywiggin: "Like David Bowie, but less interesting."
The Anthropologist: "except he has a fruit pastel stuck to his face."

And his scars… All she could think of, dream about, crave, was licking them.
The Anthropologist: "It's because it's made of liquorice."
Cathed: "Why can't you just talk to him?"

Possessed by Promiscuity, Paris was blessed with pale, almost glittery skin....
Cathed: "It's a sparkly TWILIGHT VAMPIRE!"

...electric-blue eyes, and a face the angels probably sang hallelujahs over, but he wasn't Lucien and he did nothing for her.
Cathed: "Angels sing praise of demonic faces?"
The Chronicler: "She's mixing mythologies. Or simply copy-and-pasting an oft-used descriptor."

She might deal in petty disorder, but she never uttered a threat she didn't plan to see through. To do so smacked of weakness, and Anya had vowed long ago never to show a single hint of weakness...
The Anthropologist: "But drooling and shivering in the middle of the dance floor doesn't count..."
Azrael: "That's not weakness. It's drug abuse."

Paris's laughter intensified and managed to snag Lucien's attention. Lucien's gaze lifted, first landing on Paris...
The Balance: "Lucien's gay."

then locking on Anya. Her knees almost buckled. Oh, sweet heaven. Paris was forgotten as she fought to breathe
Pillywiggin: "Too many gaze!"
Azrael: "He's been deliberately not looking at her to kill her under an avalanche of his gaze."

Did she imagine the fire that suddenly sparked in Lucien's mismatched eyes? Did she imagine the way his nostrils flared in awareness?
The Anthropologist: "You're just pretending he's noticing you. You're just deluding yourself over his cold."

... Licking her lips, never removing her gaze from him, she eased into a sensual bump and grind and made her way toward his table...
Azrael: "Wait. She's bumping and grinding whilst walking?"
The Anthropologist: "She's walking quite slowly then, since at any given time, about 40% of her is moving in the opposite direction."
Azrael: "She could be bumping and grinding the furniture."

Up close, he was six-feet-six of muscle and danger. 
Azrael: "He's made of steak, tied together with police tape."

Pure temptation.
Pillywiggin: "Steak is very tempting."
The Balance: "And she's an anarchist, so she can't help but cross police tape."

There was a brief diversion in which the interesting quote is...
Pillywiggin: "I can't think of anything more dull than a clairvoyance conference."

"We meet at last, Flowers."
Cathed: "She really is the goddess of anarchy. She's going for the gay accountant."

She ground her left hipbone against the hard juncture between his legs, turning erotically and presenting him with a view of her back
The Anthropologist: "Juncture is not an erotic word."
Azrael: "Neither his hipbone."

Her ice-blue corset was held together by nothing more than thin ribbons...
The Anthropologist: "That implies it's not very tightly cinched. Which would render the corset pointless."

...and she knew her skirt hung so low on her waist that it failed to cover the bands of her thong. Oopsie.
Cathed: "And there I was thinking she's written her number in binary."

Men, mortal or otherwise, usually melted when they caught a glimpse of something they shouldn't.
The Balance: " Cthulhu."
The Anthropologist: "It's not really a glimpse. She's just been showing off her thong all night because she's not capable of dressing herself."

...body as she raised her hands over her head then leisurely ran them through the thick mass of her snow-white hair...
The Anthropologist: "Mass is also not a sexy word."

Her nipples hardened.
Pillywiggin: "Pebbling!"
The Anthropologist: "Is she masturbating on the dance floor? Not that people would be shocked with all the fucking, but...."

"Why did you summon me, woman?" His voice was low, yet as disciplined as the warrior himself.
Pillywiggin: "Boring, then."

The Darkest Kiss, part three...

(Painting by Hans Baldung Grien, "Death and the Maiden", a painting to bear in mind.)

Listening to him speak was more arousing than being touched by another man, and her stomach clenched...
The Anthropologist: "It's only reinforcing the idea that she's a loser. She spent ages staring at him, willing him to notice her and now, despite her literally humping him, he's not really responding."

"I wanted to dance with you," she said over her shoulder. Bump, bump, slllooow grind. "Is that a crime?"
He didn't hesitate with his answer. "Yes." 
"Good. I've always enjoyed breaking the law."
The Anthropologist: "You have an interesting legal system in Budapest. Is this a holdover of the Soviet days?"

A confused pause. Then, "How much did Paris pay you to do this?" 
"I get paid? Oh, goodie!"
The Chronicler comes to the conclusion that this woman's narrative voice is exceptionally annoying.

Stepping back, grinning, she brushed her ass against him, arching and swinging as sensually as she was able. Hello, erection.
The Anthropologist: "She's making progress then."

The heat of him nearly liquefied her bones.
Pillywiggin: "Lava heat!"

"What's the currency? Orgasms?"
The Anthropologist: "What is the exchange rate between the dollar and the orgasm?"
Speculation results.

In her dreams, he always grabbed her and meshed the hard length of his cock into her at this point. 
The Anthropologist: "That makes her even lamer."

In reality, he jumped backward as if she were a bomb about to detonate, creating more hated distance between them.
The Anthropologist: "If the response to I want to sleep with you, is leaping behind tables, then you're doing something wrong."
Pillywiggin: "Or recoiling like he's a stoic."

A sense of loss immediately blanketed her. 
The Chronicler: "Again, the increasing pathetic desperation."

"No touching," he said. He'd probably done his best to sound calm, but he had sounded on edge. Strained.
The Anthropologist: "He's saying this from behind the table, bear in mind."

Her eyes narrowed. All around, people watched their interaction and his rejection of her.
The Anthropologist: "All around, everyone noticed what a loser she is."

They were still pursued by Hunters, humans who foolishly believed they could create a utopia of peace and harmony by ridding the world of the Lords and the demons they carried inside them.
The Chronicler notes that this is a really bad time to be trying to pick guy up in bar.

Ignore them. You're running out of time, chica.
Pillywiggin: "Are you up with the slang?"
The Anthropologist: "I'm up with the Spanish... In fact, I'm subando with the Spanish."
Azrael: "No, that's too foreign."

She ran a fingertip over the top band of her thong, not stopping until she drew the hot focus of his gaze to the glittery angel wings in the center.
The Anthropologist: "ARGH! No! That just makes you seem like a chav!"
Pillywiggin: "Hasn't that been apparent already?"
The Anthropologist: "But that's really tacky!"

"I was just about to walk away," he choked out.
The Anthropologist: "She sounds like the evil slut character... which means we can stop drinking for the I am not a Slut complex.... It's sociologically interesting, but AAAHHHH!"
Azrael: "Do you say that in seminars a lot?"

At his words, her nails elongated into little claws.
The Anthropologist: "Eewww... It sounds uncomfortable. And weird."

She'd shown herself to him, even knowing that the gods would be able to pinpoint her exact location—something it was best to avoid since they planned to snuff her out like a mangy animal. She would not leave this club without a reward.
The Chronicler: "Wait. She's risking almost certain death to shag him?"
Pillywiggin: "It's probably expected from shagging death itself..."
The Chronicler: "And on the sidenote, isn't she very against rape and very for choice of one's sexual partners a moment ago?"

Determination intensifying, she swung around with another roll of her hips, the length of her pale hair caressing his chest. As she nibbled on her bottom lip, she plumped her breasts.
The Anthropologist: "What? Plumping her breasts?"
The Chronicler: "I think she's consciously making them swell."
Azrael: "Isn't that what you do to scatter cushions... it's probably reminding he need to do some housekeeping..."

"But I don't want you to leave," she said with a practiced pout.
The Anthropologist cringed.

"What's wrong, sweetness?" Merciless, she moved forward. "Afraid of a little girl?"
The Chronicler: "Eww!"
Pillywiggin: "A little crazy girl."
The Anthropologist: "A little crazy girl wearing an angel thong!"

His lips thinned, but he didn't reply. Thankfully, he didn't move farther away, either.
Pillywiggin: "Because the walls are in the way."
Azrael: "Also because it wouldn't be stoic."

He was utterly magnificent. Rainbow-colored strobe lights rained down his face and body,
The Chronicler: "Rainbow coloured lights really shouldn't be a selling point... it's like sparkle vampires all over again."

... a body so finely sculpted it could have been chiseled from stone. He wore a black tee and stone-washed jeans, and both hugged rope after rope of hand-over-your-panties muscle. Mine.
Pillywiggin: "Where is the hand-over-your-panties muscle?"
The Anthropologist: "I'm pulling up a human anatomy diagram now..."
Azrael: "Wikipedia won't be able to help you now."
Pillywiggin: "I don't even understand what that could mean."

The Chronicler: "Why is this woman's idea of an in-charge woman comfortable with her sexuality a childish, stalker slut?"
The Anthropologist: "Because Come to Me."

"I'm not touching you, sweetcakes." But I want to…I plan to…I will.
The Anthropologist: "She's a rapist."

"I'll dance with you," another warrior said, cutting her off. Paris again. "No." Anya didn't switch her attention. She wanted Lucien and only Lucien. No one else would do.
Pillywiggin: "Why?"

She recognized the deep timbre of his voice. Sabin, keeper of Doubt.
Cathed: "I have doubt... I think..."
Azrael: "No, it's more like: I have doubt... No, you don't. It's all mine!"

Bait, stupid girls that they were, were all about self-sacrifice; their job was to seduce a Lord to distraction so Hunters could sneak in and slay him. And really, what kind of moron wanted to kill the Lords rather than make out with them a little?
Pillywiggin: "Who would want to... gyah?!"
Cathed remarks that there hasn't been a I am Not a Slut moment yet.
The Anthropologist: "She only wants to sleep with one man. But is really bad at it."

Oh, yes. The plague. One of the Lords was possessed by the demon of Disease. If he touched any mortal skin-to-skin, he infected that person with a terrible sickness that spread and killed with amazing swiftness
Pillywiggin: "They're backplotting at every conceivable moment."

Unfortunately, there were many, many more Hunters out there. Seriously, they were like flies. Swat one away, and two more soon took its place. Even now, they were out there somewhere, waiting for a chance to strike. The Lords had to remain cautious.
The Anthropologist: "Why are they being cautious if they have ridiculous flange powers and are immune to throat cut?"

"Besides, there's no way they could have figured out a way to bypass our security," Reyes added...
The Anthropologist: "Given all of you are having sex all over the party, you probably aren't really paying much attention to security."

"And maybe the big guy and I can go the next few minutes without an interruption. In private." They might have gotten the hint, but they didn't leave.
Pillywiggin: "'Cause our mate doesn't want to shag you!"

Of course, he didn't. But his nostrils did that delicious flare as his eyes followed every movement of her palms
Pillywiggin: "That's missing quite badly. You aimed for hands and got nostrils."

"Pretty please, with a cherry on top of me."
The Anthropologist: "If it turns out she's a virgin, it'd be so hilarious..."

His eyes flickered with fiery provocation. Not her imagination, she realized. Hope flooded her.
The Balance: "Barrack Obama..."
Pillywiggin is in pain.
The Balance: "Maybe she looks like Sarah Palin, but with white hair!"
The Anthropologist: "NOO!"
(The Chronicler regrets that this meme hasn't died yet.)

"Do you not find me desirable, Flowers?"
Cathed and Pillywiggin: "Why does she keep calling him that?"

A muscle ticked below his eye. "That is not my name."
Cathed: "Lucien 'Death' Flowers."
The Anthropologist: "To be fair, 'Death Flowers' is probably quite a scary name to an Aztec."

Alrightie, then. She turned and bent down to the floor. Her skirt rode up her thighs and gave him another, better, glimpse of her blue thong and the wings stretching from the center.
The Anthropologist: "It's not a glimpse. It's right there. It's been there all evening. We're getting bored of it now!"
There is discussion of exactly what's going on there.

As she pushed to a stand, mimicking the motions of sex as she did so, she slowly circled, offering a lingering full-body shot.
The Chronicler: "This woman is not subtle."
Pillywiggin: "Nor anatomically plausible."

"You smell like strawberries and cream." As he spoke, he looked like a predator about to pounce.
The Anthropologist: "You smell like dairy products."
Azrael: "Technically, she smells like a dairy product and a fruit."

"Bet I taste like it, too," she said, batting her lashes despite the fact that he'd made the fragrance seem like a horrendous affront.
The Anthropologist: "So, that's ketosis plus some sort of milky discharge."
There is some discussion about whether or not it's some sort of yeast infection.

He growled low in his throat and took a menacing step toward her. He raised his hand to—grab her? Hit her? Whoa, what was that about?
Azrael (raising a fist): "I hate strawberry and cream!"

...before stopping himself and fisting his fingers. Before remarking on her scent, he'd been distant but maybe-kinda-sorta interested. Now he only seemed interested in throttling her.
Azrael: "He was probably at some point sexually abused by a tea lady at Wimbledon."

Anya ceased moving, staring up at him in openmouthed astonishment. Because she smelled like fruit, he wanted to hurt her? 
The Anthropologist: "Make her stop talking like she's a teenager... more how she imagines teenager thinks."

That was—that was supremely…disappointing.
Pillywiggin: "That's some interesting abuse of punctuation."
Azrael: "It's chaotic enough to be within her purview."

Men liked women who threw themselves at them. Right? She'd observed mortals for too many years to count, and that had always seemed to be the case. Key word, chica—mortals. Lucien wasn't, and had never been, mortal.
The Chronicler: "See! She's learning the I am not a Slut complex..."

Why doesn't he want me?  In all the days she'd watched him, he hadn't favored a single woman.
Pillywiggin: "He's a personification! Not a sexual being!"

He didn't prefer men. His gaze didn't linger on males with hunger or any hint of softer emotion. 
Pillywiggin: "O rly?"

Was he in love with a specific woman, then, and no other would do? If so, the bitch was going down!
Pillywiggin: "'Cause that's endear you."
The Chronicler wonders about the world view where every unattached man is expected to want to and consent to have sex with anything that offers itself.

Thoughts of using "Smother her with your expanding breasts" as Emic Seaweed (the band which the Anthropologist, the Balance and Pillywiggin have formed)'s second album title surface.

Smoke continued to billow through the building, hazy, dreamlike.
Loinfire Club: "It's on fire?"

Lucien hadn't moved an inch; it was as if his entire body were rooted in place. She should give up, walk away, cut her losses before Cronus found her...
The Anthropologist: "Do it! Do it! Do it now!"

Only the weak give up. True. Determined, she raised her chin. 
The Loinfire Club groans.

With only a thought, she changed the song blasting through the speakers. The beat instantly slowed, softened...
Cathed: "What is this? A school disco? This is the slow song time?"
Pillywiggin: "Surely the goddess of anarchy can only set songs on shuffle?"

"You're going to dance with me," she purred. "That's the only way to get rid of me." Just to taunt him further, she stood on her tiptoes and gently bit his earlobe.
The Anthropologist: "Just flash him. That's the only thing in your slut repertoire that you haven't done."

There was a rumble in his throat as his arms finally wrapped around her. At first she thought he meant to push her away...
Azrael: "Hasn't he already threatened to punch her?"

Then he jerked her deeper into the curve of his body, flattening her breasts against his torso and forcing her legs to straddle his left thigh...
The Anthropologist: "That must look really awkward. Try to imagine it...."

Slowly, decadently, he swayed her side to side, their bodies staying meshed together, her core rubbing just above his knee.
Pillywiggin: "Is she not in great discomfort?"

Gods in heaven, this was better than she'd imagined...
Pillywiggin: "Did she just swear by herself?"
The Anthropologist (referring to the hero of Cupid's Melody): "At least it's not By the Stones!"

He was big. Everywhere. His shoulders were so wide they dwarfed her; his upper body so muscled it enveloped her...
The Balance: "Eeeccclllurrrp!"
Azrael: "She's now gyrating in his torso."
Pillywiggin: "Gelatinous cube!"

Even if he wanted her the way she wanted him, she couldn't have him. Not fully. In that respect, she was as cursed as he. But she could still enjoy the moment.
Pillywiggin: "Why not?"

His nose nuzzled her jawline.
The Anthropologist: "He's also really, really flexible. As well as being huge."
Pillywiggin: "He is a gelatinous cube."
The Balance: "He's a muscle elemental."

"Just because," she said, inhaling his heady rose perfume
The Anthropologist: "Why does he smell girlier than she does?"
Azrael: "Because he's just better than she is."

Her nipples were still hard, so hard, and rubbing against her corset, enhancing her desire...
The Loinfire Club speculates about whether or not her corset is a proper boned one or not. There is some consensus that it's something else that is probably uncomfortable in real life.

"Do you find it amusing to tease the ugliest man here?"
"Ugliest?" When he appealed to her as no one else ever had? "But I'm nowhere near Paris, sugarpop."
Pillywiggin: "That might be a good thing to say to him, except for the sugarpop part."
The Anthropologist: "If she's an immortal goddess in Hungary, why does she talk like a waitress from Texas?"
The Balance: "Because it's only the demon-trapped-inside-them guys that are from Hungary. She could well be from Texas."

"I know what I am," he growled with the faintest trace of bitterness. "Ugly is being kind."
There is debate over what the hero looks like, since it is becoming abundantly clear that he looks nothing like the man on the cover since he is unscarred.
The Anthropologist: "He looks like he was eating gummi bears at one point and forgot they're stuck to his face."

"If you know what you are, sweetness, then you know you're sexy and deliciously menacing." [...]
He glared down at her. "Menacing? Does that mean you want me to hurt you?"
Pillywiggin (in reference to a line of Edward's in Twilight): "Can I crush your skull?"

His nostrils flared again...
Pillywiggin: "His nostril flares are like everyone else's gazes."
The Anthropologist: "A little light that goes off like a distress signal. He's signalling to his friends across the room..."

Closer…closer…Yes, contact. Oh, great gods! She glided her hands over his chest, luxuriating in the feel of his nipples as they reached for her...
Cathed: "His nipples are reaching for her?!"
The Anthropologist: "I'm sure I've read a Lovecraft..."

...savoring the ropes of strength that greeted her.
The Balance: "But they're strength-roped nipples!"

However he'd gotten the scars could not have been pleasant. He'd suffered. A lot. The knowledge suddenly angered her as much as it entranced her. Who had hurt him and why? A jealous lover?
The Chronicler feels this paragraph speaks for itself as to how dense, obsessive and annoying this goddess of anarchy is.

Looked like someone had taken a blade and carved Lucien up like a melon, then tried to put him back together with the pieces out of order.
Pillywiggin: "Melon..."
The Anthropologist: "He's a melon elemental! Or a melemental!"

Did he have similar scars on the rest of his body? Her knees weakened as a new tide of arousal flooded her. She'd watched him for weeks, but she hadn't gotten a single peek at his delectable form. 
Pillywiggin: "Because he doesn't habitually strip for anything..."

Somehow, he'd always managed to bathe and change after she left.
Pillywiggin: "Oh. She's just bad at it."
The Anthropologist: "Can you say 'restraining order'?"

Had he sensed her and kept himself hidden?
The Anthropologist: "When is Chronos going to reappear and kill them all?"

"If I didn't know better, I would think you were Bait, as my men do," he said tightly.
The Chronicler: "If she was, she wouldn't tell you."

If she assured him she wasn't Bait, she would seem to be admitting that she knew what Bait was. 
Pillywiggin: "Why can't she say what she is?"

"Do you want me to be?" she said in her most seductive tone. "'Cause I'll be anything you want, lover."
Azrael: "Silly."

The Loinfire Club finds out, at this point, that Azrael ate four bowls of salmon chowder and are horrified.
Pillywiggin: "I ate two and I'm feeling full!"
Azrael: "I have my specialities and in them I excel."

Now, there was a loaded question. She wanted all of his masculinity focused on her. She wanted hours to strip and explore him. She wanted him to strip and explore her. She wanted him to smile at her. She wanted his tongue in her mouth.
Pillywiggin: "The author really hasn't heard of show not tell."
The Anthropologist: "These are not mutually exclusive option! If I can do them at all the same time..."
Azrael: "I can totally revolutionise and streamline my sex life!"

At this point, only the last seemed achievable. And only by playing unfairly. Good thing Devious was her middle name...
Pillywiggin: "Anarchy and deviousness are two different things."
Cathed: "Tickle him!"
Lots of plans are formulated. Mostly to do with cutting his tongue off.

"I'll take a kiss," she said, gazing at his soft, pink mouth.
The Anthropologist: "I'm not sure you want to give me that mental image.... it makes him sound like some sort of FTM transsexual..."

"I need a moment alone with her."
The Anthropologist: "I want a moment alone with her. In this roomful of dancing people, with lesbian sex in the background."

There is talk of the scenes of the Matrix Reloaded with the lesbians making out.

Yes! Except his friends stayed put. Jerks...
The Balance: "She is Sarah Palin. She calls them jerks."

She arched her back, pressing the core of her into his erection. Mmm, erection.
Pillywiggin: "My favourite breakfast."
The Anthropologist: "Really can't imagine how he's bending down to "

His words should have offended her, but she was too caught up in the tide of pleasure that simple embrace elicited to care...
Pillywiggin: "Simple embrace where you're semi-masturbating against his knee."

The Balance is holding his hand in a benediction gesture.
Azrael: "You look like a Greek Orthodox icon."
The Anthropologist: "You're looking like a Teacherite icon."

"Kiss her, Lucien, before I do. Bait or not," Paris called with a laugh. Good-natured as the laugh was, it was still edged with steel.
The Anthropologist: "That doesn't make any sense."

Lucien continued to resist. She could feel his heart beating against his ribs...
The Balance: "...And that is the gospel of the Lord."
Azrael: "Thanks be to the Lord!... Dammit!"
Pillywiggin: "Your years as an altar boy have not been wasted, Balance."

Anya jerked his head down to hers and smashed her lips against his. His mouth instantly opened, and their tongues met in a deep, wet thrust. There was an intense rush of heat through her as the addictive flavor of roses and mint bombarded her.
Azrael (with a bowl of chowder): "Seriously, I'm eating here."

She pressed deeper, needing more of him. All of him. Plumes of fire infused her entire body. She rubbed against his cock, unable to stop herself. He fisted her hair, taking complete control of her mouth.
Pillywiggin: "This woman isn't aware of the other meaning of fisting, is she?"
The Chronicler wonders at the ultra-alpha nature of his kisses despite the fact that Anya is technically the one seducing him.

She'd entered the gates of heaven without taking a single step.
The Anthropologist wants desperately to skim.

His tongue thrust back inside her mouth, their teeth banging together...
The Anthropologist laughs.

Passion and arousal were a hot blaze between them, a raging inferno. Truly, she was on fire...
The Loinfire Club busies itself with the multitude of "fiery" drinks.

"More," he said roughly, palming her breast.
Pillywiggin (in a squeek): "Breasts!"

With one hand, she gripped the hem of his shirt and lifted. With the other, she caressed the ropes of his stomach. Scars. She felt scars and shivered, the jagged tissue wonderfully hot
Pillywiggin: "Liquorice!"

She almost came, his reaction like fuel to an already blazing fire. She did moan.
The Chronicler would be rolling her eyes if she could.

Her eyelids cracked open, and she nearly gasped when she realized they were indeed outside, leaning against the club's exterior in a shadowed corner. He must have flashed them there, the naughty boy. He was the only Lord capable of transporting himself from one location to another with only a thought. A skill she possessed, as well. She only wished he'd flashed them to a bedroom.
Pillywiggin: "This is not the time for exposition."

He raised his darkly haloed head, blue and brown irises intense, before pinning her with another scorching kiss. On and on it continued, until she was willingly, blissfully drowning in him. Branded to her very soul, where she was no longer Anya but Lucien's woman. Lucien's slave.
The Chronicler: "So much for being in control."

No, there would be no flashing, she realized with disappointment...
Cathed: "No flashing for me..."

She wasn't wearing a bra, so the hardened pink tips of her nipples were visible, two little beacons in the night.
There is much laughter and some confusion over what is happening with her breasts since they were previously encased in her corset (made clear with chaffage) but now they're beaconing...
The Balance: "Maybe it was an underbust and her nipples were drooping."
The Chronicler: "She could mean a corset-style top?"

Pillywiggin (pointing at the Anthropologist's glass of smoothie): "Look at that swollen purple shaft of drink!"

Poor, tortured Reyes, keeper of Pain. He liked to cut himself. Once, she'd even seen him jump from the top of the warriors' fortress and luxuriate in the feel of his broken bones.
The Loinfire Club giggles.

"You don't really want him," Reyes said. "We all know that. So tell us what you do want before we force you to tell us."
The Chronicler: "Unpleasant thing to say about your friend."

Lucien stepped in front of her, blocking her from the men. Was he…protecting her? How utterly sweet. Unnecessary, but sweet. Some of her anger evaporated. She wanted to hug him. 
"Leave her alone," Lucien said. "She doesn't matter. She's unimportant."
A red haze winked over her vision. This must be how my mother always felt. Nearly all the men Dysnomia had taken to bed had hurled insults at the woman when their pleasure had been sated. Easy, they'd said. Not good for anything else.
Cathed (muttered): "Dysnomia?"
(The Chronicler: "Really minor goddess. Daughter of Eris. Not sure why she's seen as an uber-slut here, though. Odd that the author re-imagines her as being hated for being a slut instead of an actual spirit of lawlessness and opposition to civil order.")

Anya knew her mother well, knew Dysnomia had been slave to her lawless nature, as well as simply looking for love. Mated gods, single gods, it hadn't mattered. If they had desired her, she had given herself to them.
Pillywiggin: "Don't backstory in the middle of the scene."
Cathed: "More importantly, don't backstory in the middle of a sex scene."
Pillywiggin: "He thrust in her and that reminded her of the time when she was seven..."

Of all the things she'd expected and yearned for him to say, unimportant hadn't been close. She's mine, maybe. I need her, perhaps. Don't touch my property, definitely.
(The Chronicler: "She'd rather he claim she's his property than be unimportant? From her point of view, she's just some random chick who's humped his leg recently. If she's more meaningful to him, it'd just be weird.")

Azrael (referring to the Balance's style of reading): "I'm sure romance novels delivered at that speed is akin to assault.... I'm going have a lie down."

The Balance is going faster.
Pillywiggin: "He's speaking in tongues! The Holy Spirit is Among Us!"

"You have been following me. I recognized your scent." Strawberries and cream, he'd said earlier, accusation in his voice. Her eyes widened. Pleasure and mortification blended, spearing her all the way to the bone. All along, he'd known she was watching him.
Pillywiggin: "She sucks."

"Why did I get the third degree if you knew who I was? And why, if you knew I was following you, didn't you ask me to show myself?"
The Anthropologist: "Because I wanted an excuse to not take fucking showers."

"Well, no." Much as it would have saved her pride, she suddenly realized she didn't want him thinking she gave her kisses away so easily. "Not yet."
The Chronicler: "You were humping him a moment ago... She's learning to not be a slut..."

She pressed her tongue to the roof of her mouth, her frustration renewed.
The Anthropologist: "Do many people do that when they're frustrated?"

Revulsion? He should be grateful! Hadn't she liberated him from the curse that had forced him to stab his BFF every night?
The Balance: "They use BFF!!"
Pillywiggin: "God! Kill me.... I need a lie down."
Azrael: "You can have the rug. I think I've recovered."
The Anthropologist: "We're lying down on the floor in shifts now, are we?"

The Balance: "About the BFF..."
Yes, damn it. She had. But his look was one she knew well, and one that never failed to raise her hackles. [...]
Because of her mother's amorous past and the widespread expectation that she, with her free-spirited ways, would follow suit, every Greek god in Olympus had projected that same sort of revulsion at her at one time or another. At first, Anya had been hurt by their smug disdain. And for several hundred years, she'd tried the good-girl thing: dressing like a freaking nun, speaking only when spoken to, keeping her gaze downcast. Somehow she'd even squelched her desperate need for disaster. All to earn the respect of beings who would never see her as anything more than a whore.
The Anthropologist: "Is this leading up to an I am not a Slut?"
The Chronicler: "Almost certainly."

One fateful day, when she'd come home from stupid goddess training...
Pillywiggin: "What?"
The Chronicler: "It's training to become a stupid goddess."
Pillywiggin: "1 + 1 = cock!"

...crying because she'd smiled at Ares and that bitch Artemis had called her ta ma de...
Cathed: "The canonical goddesses and gods are being mean to her!"
(The Chronicler wonders what that means. All that google can come up with is the Mandarin – literally meaning 'of his/her mother', a sort of equivalent of 'dammit!' – and that's just weird, since these are classical deities and it's not a direct insult. Unless there's some Roman or Greek equivalent that's eluding google...)

Dysnomia had pulled her aside. Whatever you do, however you act, they are going to judge you harshly, the goddess had said. But we all must be true to our own nature. Acting as anyone other than yourself merely brings you pain and makes you appear ashamed of who and what you are. 
The Chronicler: "She'll soon discover her true self isn't a slut..."

Others will feed off that shame, and soon it will be all that you are. You are a wonderful being, Anya. Be proud of who you are. I am. 
The Chronicler: "Exactly why is she proud of Anya living a lie and against her anarchic instincts?"

From then on, Anya had dressed as sexily as she pleased, talked whenever and however she wanted and refused to look at her feet for any reason other than admiring her strappy stilettos. No longer had she denied her need for disorder. 
Pillywiggin: "Strappy stilettos aren't very disorderly."
The Chronicler: "Surely dressing comfortably and happily would be more anarchic? Instead of conforming to other people's ideas of sexy and attractive? Why is this author fudging the ideas of anarchy/disorderliness with sexiness?"

"You are the daughter of Dysnomia," Reyes continued. "You are the minor goddess of Anarchy."
Pillywiggin: "She probably knows this already."
The Balance: "But we might have forgotten."

She would never be ashamed again.
The Chronicler: "Except for just now."

"There's nothing minor about me." Minor meant unimportant, and she was just as important as the other, "higher" beings, damn it.
The Chronicler: "No, minor usually means 'not having many worshippers' and 'not being quite as powerful,' both of which can be quantitively measured."

But because no one knew who her father was—well, she did, now—she had been relegated as such.
The Chronicler: "You've never read any classical mythology, right? And it's no surprise that her father's Chronos, so stop hiding it."

The Chronicler: "Wait. Just a minute. She's of the Olympian pantheon. The ones who have sex in every conceivable form..."
Pillywiggin: "And some unconceivable...."
Cathed: "Golden shower of light!"
The Anthropologist: "But she wears a thong with angel wings on it."
The Chronicler: "That is really slutty."

Irritation flickered in his dark eyes, but he continued calmly. "As I told you, since your appearance weeks ago I have been researching you, learning everything I can. Long ago, you were imprisoned for murdering an innocent man. Then, a hundred years or so after your confinement, the gods finally agreed on the proper punishment for you. Before they could carry out the verdict, however, you did something no other immortal had ever managed to do. You escaped."
The Balance: "He's backstorying again..."

She didn't try to deny it. "Your research is correct." For the most part.
Pillywiggin: "I'm glad I keep my own wiki entry up to date."

"Guards were placed in every corner to fortify security, as the gods feared the strength of the prison depended on the strength of its keeper. Over time the walls did begin to crumble and crack, which eventually led to the escape of the Titans." 
Gonna blame that on her, was he? Her eyes narrowed. 
"The thing about legends," she said flatly, "is that the truth is often distorted to explain the things that mortals cannot understand."
The Balance: "But they're immortals... so they should be able to understand it."

"You hid here, among humans," Reyes said, ignoring her. Again. "But you weren't content to live in peace even then."
Pillywiggin: "Personification of a concept!"

"You started wars, stole weapons and even ships."
Cathed (gasping): "Even ships!"
Pillywiggin: "She's a shipper!"
There is much gasping.
The Anthropologist: "Maybe it's like being a cattle rustler in a Western?"

"...You caused major fires and others disasters, which in turn led to mass panic and rioting among the humans, and hundreds of people being imprisoned."
Pillywiggin: "Anarchy. Was in the job description."

Warmth suffused her face. Yes, she'd done those things.
The Anthropologist: "Why is she ashamed?"
The Balance: "Maybe it's a good sort of warmth. Like a warm and fuzzy feeling.... oh, no..."

...she'd first come to earth, she hadn't known how to control her rebellious nature. Gods had been able to protect themselves from it, humans hadn't. Besides that, she'd been almost…feral from her years in prison. 
The Anthropologist: "What tells me that she's going spend rest of book angsting about that, isn't she?"

A simple comment from her—you aren't going to let your brother talk to you like that, are you?—and bloody feuds erupted...
The Chronicler: "That's not how feuds work. It's about not letting other people talk to your brother like that. Feuds don't tend to happen within families; they happen between families."

An appearance at court—perhaps laughing at the rulers and their policies—and loyal knights attempted to assassinate their king.
The Chronicler: "So she's single-handedly responsible for all feuds, assassinations and disorder everywhere? And what exactly is her opinion of Iceland's political structure with its systematised feuding?"

Eventually she'd learned that if she fed her need for disorder with little things—petty theft, white lies and the occasional street fight—huge disasters could be averted...
Pillywiggin: "But it's her nature!"
The Chronicler: "So none of the civil wars right now are her fault? By this logic the world should be more orderly now and...well..."

There is some defending of the concept – though not the execution. The Loinfire Club is quite fond of a shit-stirring goddess, however Anya is really getting on our collective nerves.

"I did my homework on you, too," she said softly. "Did you not once destroy cities and kill innocents?" Now Reyes blushed.
The Chronicler: "Honestly!"

Cronus, who had taken over the heavenly throne mere months ago, bringing new rules, new desires and new punishments, was about to arrive... As a bright blue light appeared in front of her, chasing away the darkness and humming with unimaginable power, she flashed away. With a sense of regret she had no business feeling, she left Lucien behind—taking the taste and memory of their kiss with her.
Pillywiggin: "Thank GOD the chapter's over!"

Pillywiggin: "I have brain indigestion... The Loinfire Club has pain."
The Chronicler: "On the bright side, not much to write up."
Pillywiggin: "Only because it's so horribly hard to get through... There's just so much wrong..."
The Anthropologist: "But no incestuous overtones on p. 2!"