A dubious metaphor proved possible!

Hurray! The Chronicler's dictatorship of this blog is finally broken! Now her in-depth academical analysis and recounting of deranged ramblings can be sullied by a cheap visual gag.

We at the Loinfire Club have long mocked all references to the pebbling of nipples. None of us were quite sure how such a process might occur, what it might look like or why it isn't treated at the bizarre medical condition it must surely be.

But now, during my recent dirt-snuffling adventures, I have come across (ba-boom-cccch!) some genuine pebbled nipples, in the form of these two ladies.

For anyone who cares, they're both neolithic statue-menhirs on Guernsey; on the left is the St Martin's example and the Castel example on the right.

But anyway, I refuse to believe any romance-novel damsel to have breasts as pebbly as these two.
