The Loinfire Library swells...

The Chronicler is delighted (or horrified) to report the latest addition to the Loinfire Library:

Lady of the Upper Kingdom, by Merline Lovelace
Greek Captain, an ignorant warrior, lusts after an Egyptian High Priestess-virgin. The plot decrees that they must marry to unite their two kingdoms!
(Yes, it exists purely to spite you, Anthropologist. The first line of the blurb is "As fast and sleek as a cat.")

Border Bride, by Arnette Lamb
Described by Publisher Weekly as "veering from the ridiculous to the incomprehensible", this book deals with a Scottish Laird and his bride.


Pillywiggin said...

I can see pain in my future. My beloved Ancient Egypt! My beloved Scottish homeland!


P.S. Aahhh! Blogger knows my name and my email address and I don't know how! I don't have a blogger account...what's going on?

The Chronicler said...

Blogger speaks to Googlemail and all the other webapps that Google owns. And they gossip about you behind your back.